WELCOME to the Law Office of Mirowski & Associates (M&A) on-line. M&A provides legal advice and representation to businesses and individuals in the San Diego and Southern California regions. At M&A, we endeavor to balance strong representation with a focus on common sense and goal-oriented results. We know your bottom line matters!
Attorney Paul J. Mirowski has long represented San Diego’s “creative community” with an emphasis on: Business Contracts and Management; Corporations, LLCs and Entity Formation & Maintenance; Medical Professional Contracts and Issues; Wine / Alcohol Licensing and Contracts; Trademark, Copyright and Intellectual Property Applications and Issues; Entertainment Industry Contracts & Matters and Public Sector Labor & Employment Issues.
We know our Clients will achieve the optimum results from the attorney-client relationship when they are well informed, meaning they understand the terms of their contracts and how the law applies and how this translates into their decisions. M&A’s primary goal is to educate our Clients so that they can make great decisions up front, and have strong contracts in place before disputes arise to avoid common pitfalls that typically destroy projects and businesses. The purpose of this site is to keep our Clients and our friends informed about important legal issues and to foster efficient communications between our Clients and this Firm. If you have a question or comment, please feel free to contact us.